Summer into Fall Edition

Blow a tiny trumpet! Once again I’ve updated my personal site.

Over the summer and into the fall, I cleaned up some of my digital and physical spaces, including this site. I’ve been tinkering with this version while to the world to reopen. I decided to stop the tinkering and put it out there.

My Status heading into the fall:

👨‍💼 Work — I recently left the company I had been working with for the last 4.5 years to join a healthcare related company. I like that my work will help people live healthier lives. Still working remotely with no interest in ever going to office life.

🏠 Family - Thankfully, my family faired pretty well of the last year. My immediate household as been abundantly cautious, and though proactive actions we remain healthy.

💪 Fitness - Jujitsu has been off the table for most of the year. Although my gym is fastidious about ventilation and cleanliness, Until there’s a pediatric vaccine, I’m off the mats.

For the last year and half, I’ve gotten back in to mountain biking. Luckily, I live very close the some fun trails. PA offers a lot of great riding. I’ve been expanding my riding locations and enjoying different trail challenges.